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Sick Kid Smoothie

(makes one smoothie)


  • Handful of frozen pineapple OR mango

  • 1 frozen banana (or reg banana + 2 ice cubes)

  • 1 apple, sliced

  • Coconut water (for electrolytes)

  • optional half a handful of kale

  • optional oats (for some extra calories)

  • optional drizzle of maple syrup (if your kids like really sweet)

  • *optional liquid medicine (depending on flavor)

  • ice cube tray or popsicle moldings for leftover smoothie


Add all ingredients to blender, slowly adding desired amount of coconut water. Add leftover smoothie to ice cube trays with popsicle sticks or popsicle moldings to create yummy popsicles for later.

When Jameson was sick he barely wanted to eat so had lots of sweet smoothies, popsicles, and these muffins.

*Sometimes I add Jameson's medicine that refuses to take orally- definitely consult your pediatrician since I am not one- just sharing what I've tried.


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