Makes about 4 servings
I package of pad thai style rice noodles (I also like GF brown rice spiral pasta)
2 cups of chopped celery (swap for pre-chopped at the store with carrots & onions to save time)
2 cups of chopped carrots
1 can of rinsed chickpeas
1 tbsp of onion powder
1/2 tbsp of garlic powder
Large pinch of minced fresh rosemary
Large pinch of thyme (stems removed)
salt & pepper to taste
1 tbsp of cornstarch (optional just thickens broth)
*optional sprouted whole grain bread or crackers for dipping
Boil about 7 cups of water (if using vegetable powder) in a large pot. If using vegetable broth use 7 cups of broth instead of water. Turn heat down slightly and add celery, carrots, rosemary and thyme, and noodles and cook for 8 min (if cook time on the box of noodles is shorter than 8 minutes wait to drop them in). Add vegetable broth powder or base if using (about a 1/2 cup or follow instructions for ratio on your container). Keep slowly adding powder to taste until desired flavor. Add remaining ingredients, adding s&p to taste. Optional mix 1 tbsp of cornstarch with 1 tbsp of water to make a cornstarch slurry to add to the broth (this thickens it up a little).
Serve warm! The soup tastes better the longer it sits so tastes great for leftovers the next day.
I like eating with fresh sprouted whole grain bread or sprouted grain crackers.